
Explore the news coverage of national and international events from a communication perspective.

paid news

How Paid News is Eroding Trust in Media

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Ethical Issues in Journalism

Paid News: Definition Paid news refers to media outlets accepting monetary compensation in exchange for publishing or airing biased content that favors a particular individual, organization, or product. This can involve articles, advertisements, or even entire news segments created to influence public opinion in favor of the paying party. This content is often presented as […]

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Analyzing Persuasive Communication Tool Ethos, Pathos, Logos in India-Canada Conflict

Ethos, Pathos, Logos Political communication is a process by which political actors and institutions communicate with the public and each other. It can take many forms, including speeches, debates, interviews, advertising, and social media posts. Political communicators often use a variety of rhetorical devices to persuade their audiences. Three of the most important rhetorical devices

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india-canada relations

Analyzing India-Canada Relations from Communication Perspective

The premise of the recent conflict in India-Canada Relations The recent diplomatic brawl between India and Canada is due to the assassination of a Sikh separatist leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated that credible evidence links Indian government agents to the murder. This incident has further strained

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