
mass media internet

Mass Media Internet: Transforming the Information Landscape

Today, the combination of mass media and the internet has changed how information is shared, consumed, and understood. This relationship has a significant impact on how we access information. The term “mass media internet” reflects this combination, highlighting the important changes and advancements shaping our world. The Evolution of Mass Media To understand the current […]

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electronic media in India

History, Growth and Development of Electronic Media in India

Electronic media refers to any medium that uses electronic technology to transmit information. This includes radio, television, and the internet. In the past three decades, electronic media in India has significantly shaped India’s social, cultural, and political landscape more than any other form of mass media in India. It has been instrumental in promoting literacy,

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Internet as Communication Media

5 Organizations Conforming Internet as Communication Media

Evolution of the Internet as Communication Media The Internet took birth in the late 1960s. The Department of Defense (DOD) of the US government laid the framework for the Internet by creating a network of computers to connect researchers, government workers, and defence contractors. Earlier, different makes of computers used to have different rules for

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